January 3rd I began another new job. This one being the Advertising Sales Manager for Out&About Newspaper. Which is our local GLBT Monthly Newspaper. Starting this new job has proven to be a learning experience already. The News business is a whole new monster for me to tackle, toss in the Sales aspect and Shew, but I am learning and I feel like expanding as a person. Plus, being in the media does have its perks. Getting into see shows, the big parties, and such.
I am still able to continue my Event Business on the side, so that is great! I have a couple big things lined up in the coming months that I am really excited about. And right now I am planning my SuperBowl Party and Oscar Party. Both should turn out to be a really good time.
It has snowed alot (for Nashville) and seems like people here have a tough time with it. And normally I would think, they were just whining. But seriously I am over the cold as well. I know we have had less than most of you up in KY and elsewhere. But I just need some sunshine in my life. Can not wait for my upcoming trips, Florida, New Orleans, and San Diego!
This month we also celebrated my friend David's Birthday. It was a really nice weekend! He is a terrific guy and deserves the utmost happiness in life!
Here are just a couple Random photos from this month as well....