Sunday, March 8, 2009

Over Usage of Iphones

The Apple Iphone has taken the World by storm. Everyone seems to have one, and if they don't have one it seems it is on their wish list. With now over 3 million Iphones being activated to date, it seems this phenomenon won't end anytime soon. Now, don't get me wrong I am all for technology and things that make life seem a tad more convenient. Yet, I find that people have become obsessed with this mobile device. I am very aware of the features these phones have. Using them makes the day to day life of it's owners go more smoothly. But seriously people have went overboard.
Upon getting a friends request on Facebook one day, I quickly realized it was not a person...but a friend had made an account for his Iphone. Another friend will not allow anyone to touch his precious phone, not even to look at it. Still another I know, walks around with it in his hand at all times so as not to miss anything. And only Iphone owners make it a point of showing you at least one thing on their phone each and every time you are in their presence. The biggie though that really pushes my buttons, is when before answering any question they must check their Iphone. For example:
person:"I wonder what the weather is gonna be like."
Iphone user: "hang on" user begins to check the weather on his\her phone before responding

For example:
person: "Have you heard that song by Madonna?"
Iphone user: "hang on" checks iphone "you mean this one" plays the song on iphone

I am assuming before 2009 is out this will be the scenario with Iphone users:
For example:
person: "what's your name?"
Iphone user: checks iphone "My name is Dan."

I think my plan is to just stick with my old "dumb" phone and enjoy my text messages the same way I always have. While still watching as everyone begins to legally adopt their Iphones.


  1. haha, i am with you. i still have my razor!

  2. I will admit I just broke down and bought the IPhone.. I love it but think I am no more of a phone junkie than before.. I will say I think that is because I wanted the iphone because I liked it the first time I saw it nearly 2 years ago.. I didn't want it because it was the "in" thing, or to prove a status level. I would NEVER create a myspace for a freakin' phone..that's just nuts!!

    Like the blog..have always enjoyed reading your blog posts!! :)
